Printed Envelopes Manufacturer in Bulgaria

Polycart LLC is a printed envelopes manufacturer in Bulgaria. We provide our customers with a wide section of envelopes and mailers in different sizes, colors, and styles. We specialize in custom-made stationery with a professional look. No matter your needs, taste, and budget, we can make an envelope to fit just right. We have simple commercial envelopes, catalogs and booklets, office envelopes and letterheads, and even cardboard rigid mailers. We offer quality printing regardless of the order quantity, small or big. This way you can save money by buying in bulk without compromising on quality.

Custom-printed envelopes with a unique design are a great way to appear professional, but you don’t have to go all out with fully customized envelopes if you don’t want to. Even tho custom envelopes are our specialty, we offer numerous ready-made envelopes both plain and with small prints. They are ready in stock and can be slightly customized with a simple logo.

Contact Us

Office Address: Slavianska 46,

BG-2230 Kostinbrod, Bulgaria

Tel: +359 878 421007

Envelopes With Relief Print
Colorful Envelopes
Envelopes With Printed Design
Hot Stamp Envelope